Lets Check Your Physical Activity IQ.

Answer these following simple questions and you will easily come to know the facts.

1. In general, what % of the calorie should come from carbohydrates if you are physically active?

  • 60-65%
  • 40%
  • 50%

Answer- 60-65% . Carbohydrate is the cheif fuel for you muscles. Examples of carbohydrate food include breads, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits. 

2.The most effective physical activity plan is?

  • Strength training
  • Aerobic workouts at moderate intensity 3 or more times a week
  • A combination of strength training, flexibility exercises, and aerobic activity

Answer- A combination of strength training, flexibility and aerobic activity. Strength and resistance training increase your muscle mass and strength. Aerobics ( walking, biking) has a beneficial effects on your heart. So this combination is considered to be the most effective well rounded plan.

3. Certain activities can help you to selectively remove fat from your waist, thighs, or specific areas of your body.

  • True
  • False

Answer – False. You cannot selectively remove fat from certain areas of body. Much of the way you look, including the size of different body parts, is determined by genetics. But dont give up. Although activities for specific areas wont burn fat there, the activity will strengthen the muscles there and make it firm.

4. Women tend to have a lower metabolic rate.

  • True
  • False

Answer- True. Women usually have a greater percentage of fat than men, and fat burns fewer calories tan muscles. This makes women’s metabolic rate 5-10 % slower than men’s.

5. How long does it take to see improvement in fitness levels if you are doing moderate intensity aerobic activity for 30 min 3 times a week?

  • a day or two
  • a week or two
  • a month or two

Answer- A week or two. If you are doing this activity you will see the improvements on regular basis. But the results will be noticeable within a week or two. As your fitness improves the activity will feel easier.

6. What type of workout maximizes fat burning?

  • low intensity workout
  • moderate intensity workout
  • high intensity workout

Answer – Moderate intensity workout.The percentage of fat calories burnt is higher for low intensity workouts, but this can be misleading. A greater absolute number of fat calories are burned during a moderate intensity workout.

7. A person who weighs more, burns more calories doing the same exercise as someone who weighs less.

  • True
  • False

Answer- True.The calories burned during an activity are directly related to how much you weigh. A smaller person would have to do an activity for a longer time to use the same amount of energy as a larger person because it takes more calories to move a large arm versus a small arm.

8. Because we start loosing muscle mass every year after about 30 years of age, physical activity has only a small benefit in older age.

  • True
  • False

Answer- False.It is never too late to include physical activity in your life. Frail and very old people (80+) can still participate in regular physical activity program improving the capacity of their hearts, decreasing the risk of falling, and improving their psychological outlook.

9. What are the key components of physical activity that are important for improving your fitness?

  • Frequency, intensity, duration
  • Calorie intake, altitude, humidity
  • Temperature, time, type of activity

Answer- Frequency, intensity, duration. Frequency means number of times per week an activity is performed, intensity is how hard you work, duration is the time spent during the activity. 

10. People who want bigger muscles should take protein supplements.

  • True
  • False

Answer– False. There is no evidence that excess protein will lead to bigger muscles. Eating more protein than you need is a waste, since the excess will be converted into fat or burned for energy. If you want to increase the size and strength of your muscles try strength training.

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