Top 10 Tips For Nutrition Of 1 Year Old Baby

As Parents we are always very anxious and eager and excited with all mixed kind of feelings for our baby. What the child would love eating? what should we serve? Would that be healthy and many more questions we get.

Annaprasana, getting the first solid food (cer...

Annaprasana, getting the first solid food (cereals)

Here are few tips that will help you to choose right:

1. After 1 year the child should be started on variety of foods so that they develop a taste for healthy food.

2. Your job is to introduce new flavors and textures.

3. Babies have little tummies so serve food that are packed with nutrients required to grow healthy and strong. Limit the intake of sweets and chocolates.

4. Always remember you decide what variety of food to offer at a meal and your child decides which of those to eat and how much to eat!!

5. Milk: 

Smarties and Milk

Smarties and Milk (Photo credit: MrMoaks)

  • Give milk 2-3 times a day either cows or buffaloes milk
  • If your child doesn’t like milk make milk preparations like flavored milk using various fruits.

6. Fruits:

  • Give fruits in abundance
  • Do not peel the skin of fruits as they are nutritious in vitamins and minerals
  • Encourage to have fresh fruit juice but avoid adding sweeteners to it
  • Avoid canned fruits and juices as they contain sugar and preservatives

7. Rice & Chapati:

  • Use whole wheat ( don’t throw away the bran)
  • Rice will give your child plenty of vitamin B.

8. Vegetables:

English: vegetables

English: vegetables (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Green , orange, red, yellow all these vegetables are important
  • Use water boiled for these vegetables in making various soups for the child
  • Do not overcook. You can smash the vegetables using a spoon for the child.

9. Dals:

  • Make sure you include foods like pulses, dal, grams , peanuts , peas, beans, eggs etc in diet.
  • Sprouted grams or moong is good for digestion and overall health.

10. Chocolates / Cold drinks:

  • Avoid chocolates as far as possible
  • Do not give your child tea or coffee or cold drinks as they contain caffeine and it might ruin your child’s appetite.

read more:

7 Easy Stretching Exercises For Children

Benefits Of Making Your Child A Veggie

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Roasted Potatoes

This is a heart healthy recipe.

*These potatoes should be crispy when done.

Potatoes with garlic, grease and spice


  • 1.5 pounds unpeeled potatoes
  • 1/2 head garlic
  • whole cloves 3
  • 1/4 th cup chopped fresh rosemary
  • salt
  • pepper


Preheat the oven to 375o F

Cut the potatoes in halfes or quarters and place them in a baking pan with the whole cloves and garlic and small amount of water. Toss with rosemary. Cover the pan and bake for 20 minutes. Then remove the cover and roast for another 10-15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serving size – 1cup

Calories 224

Total fat- 0.5gms

Cholesterol – 0

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White Bread Vs Brown Bread

There always has been a debate between which bread is good for health. Is it the White bread or the Brown bread? Since our childhood we are used to eat white bread and that may be the reason we have more affection towards it.


  1. Appearance: Its white in colour because it is made up of wheat flour from which bran and germ is removed.
  2. Taste: Its tasteir than brown bread.
  3. Nutritional Value: Its low in zinc, fiber, thiamine, niacin & trace elements.
  4. Calories: 100 gms of white bread gives you 240 Kcal.
  5. Shelf life: White bread has more shelf life as compared to brown because of its moisture content.
  6. Health Benefits: Its not so good for heart health & increases the cholesterol levels.


  1. Appearance: Brown bread is made of unprocessed whole wheat hence it retains the brown colour.
  2. Taste: You will find it less tasteir because since years we are acustomed to eat white bread.
  3. Nutritional value: Brown bread is rich in vitamins, minerals, vit E, B6, zinc, riboflavin, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, niacin & folic acid.
  4. Calories: 100 gms of brown bread gives you 200 Kcal.
  5. Shelf life: Brown bread has low shelf life when compared to white bread.
  6. Health Benefits: Its very good for overall health.
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Tuna Rice Salad

This is a low carbohydrate recipe. Easy to make and heart healthy.


  • ½ cauliflower
  • 150gms tin tuna
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 75gms sliced ripe olives, drained
  • 500gms artichoke hearts
  • 100ml mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed

Run the cauliflower through the shedding blade of food processor. Put it in a microwave casserole with a lid, Add a couple of tablespoons of water cover and nuke on high for 7 minutes.

When that’s happening, combine the tuna, lime juice, olives, artichoke hearts, mayonnaise, and dill. When the cauliflower is done, pull it out of the microwave , drain it and toss it with everything else.

If you don’t like warm salad you have to chill this.

Serves 3 people with 12 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram fibre.


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